BIG write

Date: 3rd Feb 2017 @ 3:41pm

This week, the whole class used the designs of monsters they had sketched out to do a big write on how they will slay their beast. These pieces really demonstrated how big Year 5/6s imaginations are!

In maths, the Year 5s did some more work on decimals! We can now successfully order and compare decimals, even ones with more than three decimal places! We also had a go at rounding and we played Rounding Race in groups to see who could round the fastest!

In science, we were becoming more familiar with the parts of the body. We split into groups and drew around one member. We then used the iPads to show us the body parts to draw inside our outline! These looked fantastic!

In topic, we have almost completed our Viking Purses! They look incredible and I am very proud of every pupil for their products. Everyone worked hard to plan it, sew it all together and design the front and back.

All-in-all a fabulous week!

Thank you, Miss Ross.


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