Byley Busy Buddies


Byley Busy Buddies is an OFSTED registered Breakfast and Afterschool provison for all children at Byley Primary



Byley Busy Buddies has a wide range of toys, games and art and craft activities available, with an emphasis on child-centred and self-directed play. Children are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas on the weekly activities they would like to take part in.

Breakfast Club offers children a warm and welcoming start to their day, with a choice of cereal or toast for breakfast.

During After School club a healthy snack is offered to help keep the children going until their evening meal at home. 


Opening Times

Breakfast Club - 7:45am - 8:50am  every week day

After School Club - 3:20pm - 6:00pm Monday - Thursday



Breakfast Club: £5-00/£3.50 for siblings.

After School Club: £8-50/£7-00 for siblings.


From September 2024, the costs will be:

Breakfast Club: £5-00/£3-50 for siblings

After School Club: £9:50/£8-00 for siblings



Bookings and all payments should be made via Parentpay. Please contact the school office for more details.

Mobile: 07508949986 *This number is monitored during breakfast and afterschool club hours only.


































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