Year 5 & 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Whittingham
Miss A ShackletonClass Teacher(Full time)
Miss E WhittinghamHeadteacherPPA cover(Wednesday pm)
Miss J DonaldsonApprentice TA(Full time) |
Spring Term
Welcome back everyone. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and a Happy New Year!
Here is a quick overview of some of the lesson content we will be covering before the end of half term.
English: We will be reading 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' by Joe Todd-Stanton. It will form the main stimulus for our writing. This half-term we will be writing our own myths.
Maths: Our main focus this half term is fractions, decimals and percentages.
Science: We will learn about Properties and Changing of Materials.
Our history work will be all about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings and how they shaped Britain today.
RE: We are focusing on different religions' creation stories.
Computing: We will use Purple Mash.
Music: Brass lessons will continue to take place on Wednesday afternoons.
PE: PE will take place on Mondays and Thursdays.
New spellings will be given every Monday and tested the following week. You should be practising your times tables at home. Parents, please sign their reading diary when you've heard your child read. We expect a minimum 3 x 15 minutes each week.
Maths homework will be set on Monday to be in the following Monday.
The English CGP book will be sent home on Thursday to be in the following Thursday. Pages to be completed should be found in the front of the children's grammar books.
We appreciate your continued support with regards to work the children are taking home, however if your child is finding any of the work too difficult or you have noticed there are particular topics they are struggling with, please do come and speak to me, or write a note in your child's reading diary.
Extra activities to do at home include:
- Purple Mash - where the children can access times tables activities.
- Accelerated Reader - the children can complete quizzes on the books they have been reading at home.
***A reminder that the children are to bring their school water bottle and school PE kit into school only. Your child is welcome to bring their own pencil case into school (though we do provide them with all the stationery needed). Can we also ask that you support us by ensuring the children are not bringing additional items into school such as small toys or fiddle toys (unless you have already spoken to me separately about this) to ensure the distractions in the classroom are minimised. Thank you in advance for this.
So, here's to a happy, hardworking and healthy term. Please do contact us if you need any more information. We thank you all for your continued support.
Miss Shackleton and Miss Donaldson
Files to Download
Year 5 & 6: Events items
York Residential, by Mrs Evans
Learn with Me - English, by Mrs Evans
Swimming in School, by Mrs Evans