Our Gallery
Planting Trees, by Miss Aldous
World Book Day, by Mrs Madden
World Book Day, by Mrs Madden
Egyptian Coil Pots, by Mr Davies
Stay and Play Spring 2017 - Valentine Theme, by Mrs Madden
How do animals keep warm?, by Mrs King
Looking to see how our cress has grown, by Miss Aldous
Chinese Food tasting , by Mrs Madden
Chinese Dragons and Chinese Lanterns, by Mrs Madden
Growing Cress, by Miss Aldous
Multi-Skills Fesitval at Middlewich High School Year 2 , by Miss Aldous
We're going on a Bear Hunt Role Play area, by Mrs Madden
2D and 3D Shape Hunt, by Miss Aldous
Making Sandwiches , by Miss Aldous
PE in Reception, by Mrs Madden
Teddy Bears Picnic, by Mrs King
Roman Presentations, by Mr Davies
Birds of prey paintings, by Mrs Bebbington
Willow weaving, by Mrs King
Weaver Dairy House Farm, by Mrs King
Remembrance Day Poppies , by Mrs Madden
It's freezing outside...., by Mrs Madden
More pumpkin fun!, by Mrs King
Pumpkin fun!, by Mrs King
WOW! The Painted Ladies have hatched!, by Mrs King